GitHub Upgrade – 3.9.4

Upgrade to GHE 3.9.4 will take place on Tuesday, Sept 5th at 5:00 PM EST, with an expected completion time of 6:30 PM EST. Any questions regarding the upgrade should be sent to

Some changes omitted for brevity. View the complete changelog for additional information.

Security fixes

  • Packages have been updated to the latest security versions.

Bug fixes

  • On an instance with GitHub Actions enabled, scale sets configured at the enterprise level did not appear for use within the instance’s organizations or repositories.
  • On an instance with GitHub Actions enabled, due to mismatched values, users could not easily associate workflow job run IDs from the GitHub Enterprise Server APIs or webhooks with a job in the UI. Workflow job runs now use a new URL pattern of ...actions/runs/job/{job_id}, and job_id matches values from APIs and webhook payloads.