3.2.2 addresses several security, bug fixes related to the 3.2.0 release, but otherwise includes no significant changes. Some non-University related changes were omitted from this changelog.
Security Fixes:
- Several known weak SSH public keys have been added to the deny list and can no longer be registered. In addition, versions of GitKraken known to generate weak SSH keys (7.6.x, 7.7.x and 8.0.0) have been blocked from registering new public keys.
- Packages have been updated to the latest security versions.
Bug Fixes:
- Codespaces links were displayed in organization settings.
- Several parts of the application were unusable for users who are owners of many organizations.
- Browsing and job performance optimizations for repositories with many refs.
We will be applying the patch on November 8 at 5:30 PM ESTÂ
See the complete upgrade notes at GitHub Enterprise: https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.2/admin/release-notes#3.2.2