Action Runner Software Upgrades

The GitHub Service Team will be upgrading the software available on the Global Actions Runners.

The following changes are planned:

  • Adding PHP v8.2
  • Removing PHP v7.4
  • Upgrading NodeJS from v16 to v18
  • Upgrading Docker to v20.10.23
  • Upgrading Docker Compose to v2.15.1
  • Upgrading GitHub Action Runner to 2.302.1

PHP v8.2 will be the new default version when using the php executable.
PHP v8.1 will continue to be available via the php8.1 executable, and PHP v8.0 will be available via the php8.0 executable.

Users are encouraged to test workflows after the change to ensure compatibility, and to update their workflows ahead of time if possible.

Only workflows which utilize the Global Actions Runners maintained by the Service Team will be affected by this change.
Any workflows using self-hosted runners will continue to operate as normal.

This change will be made between 11:30am and 12:00pm on March 15th.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns regarding this change.