GitHub Upgrade – 2.20.5

After having done some research regarding the repository migration script in 2.20, we have decided to go ahead with the upgrade to 2.20.x, and omit the repository migration script from the upgrade process. Since we will be jumping from 2.19.10 to 2.20.5, this upgrade will include several new features and bugfixes from the entire 2.20 series so far. 

Additionally, we will be enabling GitHub Connect as a part of this upgrade. Here’s some of the features GitHub Connect will make available:

  • Unified search between the Public NC State GitHub Organization and the instance
    • There’s not much in our public organization at the moment, but eventually there will be!
  • Link your contributions to your public profile
    • Contributions within the last 90 days on the instance will appear anonymized on your linked profile
  • Security alerts for CVEs in repositories on

GitHub 2.20 Features

  • On a repository branch, repository administrators can reject any push that contains a merge commit by enabling Require linear history using branch protection rules.
  • Repository administrators can grant all users with push access the ability to force-push to a protected branch by enabling Allow force pushes using branch protection rules.
  • Repository administrators can grant all users with push access the ability to delete a protected branch by enabling Allow deletions using branch protection rules.
  • Administrators can set a maxobjectsize limit on repositories, limiting the size of push commits to a repository that are not in Git LFS.
  • Organization owners can create a set of default labels when creating a new repository.


  • No logo will be displayed for a topic if one has not been uploaded.
  • When viewing an issue on a mobile browser, the issue metadata is listed at the top of the page.
  • Improved visual distinction between issue, project and discussion has been implemented on project note cards.
  • On a pull request review, a notice is displayed if a multi-line comment is truncated.
  • Users can view their audit log on the Security Log tab of their personal settings page.
  • The addition of new SSH-DSS keys is removed in GitHub Enterprise Server 2.20.0.
  • Support for using an external service for Avatars is removed from GitHub Enterprise Server 2.20.0.
  • GitHub Services support is removed entirely in GitHub Enterprise Server 2.20.0 and existing services will no longer function.
  • Password-based HTTP basic authentication to the GitHub API is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release of GitHub Enterprise Server. This functionality will continue to work with personal access tokens.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • When viewing a users’ profile, the links to that users’ teams could be broken.
  • Users with the maintain role were unable to edit repository topics.
  • A user who isn’t an administrator for an organization would receive a 500 error when attempting to access the sign up page.
  • The edit history popup would not display on gist comments.
  • A new account could be registered with an email that was already registered.
  • When an autolink reference was part of a url, the hyperlink could be removed.
  • When adding a comment to a pull request, the Linked Issues section from the sidebar could disappear.
  • When editing an existing organization invitation for a user, a duplicate header could be appear on the Teams table.
  • Duplicate webhook entries in the database could cause upgrades from previous versions to fail.
  • In some cases the forwarded log entries, mainly for audit.log were getting truncated.
  • Alambic exception logs were not forwarded by syslog.
  • The org_block event is not unavailable but was appearing for GitHub Apps on GitHub Enterprise Server.
  • GraphQL query responses sometimes returned unmatched node identifiers for ProtectedBranch objects.
  • Leaving a comment in reply to a pull request comment was intermittently creating a pending pull request review.
  • Pre-receive hook returned 500 error on web UI when UTF-8 characters were encountered.
  • When pushing to a Gist, an exception could be triggered during the post-receive hook.
  • Results from the the Issues and Pull Requests API could have inconsistent behaviour when ordering by the updated_at field.

We will be upgrading to 2.20.5 at 5:00 PM EST on April 17th.